Participants will evaluate their current communication skills and determine areas of growth.
All assignments are due within six weeks after registering for the course (no exceptions). For instance, if you register on July 1, you have until August 11 to submit all assignments and the evaluation. All assigned learning experiences require you to submit a response.
Unless otherwise noted, responses should be:
• Minimum of One Page in Length (not including title or original prompt)
• Typed
• Times New Roman
• Double-Spaced
• 12-point font
• A Microsoft Word Document (.doc or .docx)
• 1" margins on all sides
Responses are pass/fail and should clearly demonstrate the completion of the assigned activity and your reflection on the assignment. You must complete every assignment in order to receive a certificate of completion for the course. Your certificate will be available to download once all assignments have been submitted and graded.
Although this is a non-credit course, professionalism is expected of your actions, language, and effort. Students have an obligation to exhibit honesty and to respect ethical standards in carrying out academic assignments. Copying other participants' work or plagiarizing from other sources will result in a grade of zero points and no credit will be given for the assignment.
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SEMIs Earned : 15